Good Morning

Hey guys! Tænkte, at jeg lige ville sig hej inden jeg smutter ud af døren. Jeg ved der har været ufatteligt stille herinde på bloggen, men jeg har simpelthen haft travlt med at flytte.

Neon Haze

OUTFIT OF THE DAY Her er, hvad jeg havde på i fredags da jeg var til klassefest og i byen. Blazeren er ny og fra New Yorker og den kostede kun 80 kr! Elsker den. Lige nu ligger jeg med endnu en omgang tømmermænd, eftersom jeg var til 2 x 18 års i går. Puhaa!

Translation This is what I wore Friday where I was at a party with my classmates. Caroline and I, of course, ended up going clubbing. Typical us! The blazer is new and from New Yorker and it was on sale so I’m super excited about it. Right now I’m exhausted and hungover as I attended a 2 x 18 birthday party yesterday.


Pictures from the other day. 

Endelig kan jeg blogge igen! Jeg har de seneste dage ikke haft mulighed for at blogge, da min lader til min Macbook gik i stykker, så jeg skulle vente på den nye kom. I tiden jeg har været væk, har jeg dog haft masser af tid til at tænke over nogle ting og jeg kom blandt andet frem til, at jeg igen vil skrive på dansk. Jeg vil fortsat have en oversættelse til mine udenlandske læsere, men jeg savner virkelig at kommunikere med mine danske læsere. Det er bare mere personligt, når man skriver dansk synes jeg. Så fra nu af vil der altså blive skrevet både dansk og engelsk her på bloggen. Håber det falder i god jord! 🙂

Translation: I can finally blog again after not having an adapter for my Macbook! While I’ve been gone I have come to the conclusion that I miss writing in Danish so from now on I will mainly write in Danish but of course there’ll be a translation for you guys who do not understand Danish. I hope you enjoy 🙂 

Café Smagløs

YESTERDAY I picked up Caroline and Christina to go to Ikea. We bought some of the last things I need for my own place. It’s so nice to have the most under control! We decided to treat ourselves after our massive effort (exaggeration furthers understanding) and we went to Aarhus downtown to get some food. We ended up having a small meal at the cozy café ‘Smagløs’ which means tasteless. That name was actually quite suitable! The tzatziki and bread we ordered were far from the best I’ve tried – it was actually poor tasting! So disappointing. I will  be going back though to give the place a second chance as I have heard so many good things about it. Maybe the other dishes are better?


UPDATE Tomorrow I have my second of three annual examinations and this time it’s oral German. Caroline and I were at the school at 8 to draw our texts, which luckily aren’t too bad. When we came home, we made breakfast which we enjoyed before taking the bull by the horns. We ended up reading and translating the text once before Katja joined us. A while later we went downtown to escort Katja to the train + I had a package at the post office that I was dying to pick up! Afterwords Caro and I went to a secondhand shop where I bought a pair of jeans (which turned out being too small!!!!!!) and a Thermos. I regret buying both already, but at least they were cheap. It is so typical me. I have to stop making all those impulse buys! As of right now, we’re just being lazy in front of the tv. So much for preparing for the exam haha…